Rand-Emonium Software is proud to bring you new games, useful utilities and development tools for the Apple //. Whether you are looking for a fun distraction, do some serious calculations or build your own Apple // software, we have solutions for you!
BuGS – Shoot the bugs as the descend towards you
Apple2048 – Number matching and sliding game
A2Sudoku – The classic number puzzle game
Apple // Bejeweled – Gem matching game
Wordle Solver – Not really a game but can be used to help you solve the puzzle

colourgo – Run, jump and match the colour of the floor
Eight Bit Blast – Take out your frustrations against lesser 8 bit computers.

ListenerGS – Speech dictation for the Apple IIgs using modern Apple devices

CurtaSim – Simulate the classic mechanical calculator using a joystick
abCalcNDA – A RPN calculator new desk accessory for the Apple IIgs
md2teach – A shell command that converts from markdown to a Teach text file for the Apple IIgs
Send me an email – jeremy@rand-family.com